Lastmodified 2023-10-03 (火) 09:47:13


/etc/make.conf に

DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=  perl5=5.32


portversion -vl'<' すると、

p5-HTTP-Message-6.44        <  needs updating (port has 6.45)
p5-Mail-DKIM-1.20230630     <  needs updating (port has 1.20230911)
perl5-5.32.1_4              <  needs updating (port has 5.34.1_3) (=> 'lang/perl5.34')
php81-8.1.23                <  needs updating (port has 8.1.24)
php81-bcmath-8.1.23         <  needs updating (port has 8.1.24)

perl のバージョンを5.34にしましょう、といわれた。ので、

/etc/make.conf を

#DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=  perl5=5.32


# portupgrade -a
[Reading data from pkg(8) ... - 557 packages found - done]
** Port marked as IGNORE: graphics/ImageMagick7:
       Invalid perl5 version 5.32
** Port marked as IGNORE: security/amavisd-new:
        Invalid perl5 version 5.32
** Port marked as IGNORE: multimedia/aom:
        Invalid perl5 version 5.32
** Port marked as IGNORE: www/apache24:
        Invalid perl5 version 5.32

と言う具合に、perl5.32 ゆかりの ports を飛ばして、perl5.34のインストールに。


      This is *NOT* the DEFAULT perl version

It will *NOT* install /usr/local/bin/perl

It will *ONLY* install /usr/local/bin/perl5.34.1

The default Perl version currently is 5.32.

If you want to use this version as the default,
stop the build now, add this line to your
/etc/make.conf, and then restart the build.



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