Lastmodified &lastmod;
*F-16C [#kd6a9817]

 ILS 108.10 MHz

 A:THR 140kt to 167 kt
*F-35B XP10-1.6 final [#z590b703]
 C:\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\Downloaded_Aircrafts\F-35B XP10-1.4\avionics.lua

 C:\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\Downloaded_Aircrafts\F-35B XP10-1.6 final\avionics.lua

 C:\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\Downloaded_Aircrafts\F-35B XP10-1.6 final\Custom Avionics\hmd\hmd.lua

 -- centre the HMD floating panel according to the selected resolution
 if (get(width)==2560 and get(height)==1600) then
 	hmdy = hmdy-445
 -- Unknown resolution
 if (hmdy==get(height)) then
 --	hmdy = hmdy-268
 	hmdy = hmdy-444

*\Aircraft\Downloaded_Aircrafts [#a79f59d6]

C:\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\Downloaded_Aircrafts

*F35B [#b8059cf2]
 The system is ON by default. GCAS monitors aircraft descent rates and radar altitude and
 triggers an automated recovery maneuver seconds before ground impact.
 For right side up recoveries the control stick must be pulled back less than 20%. Pulling
 back more than 20% overrides the system.
 Upside down recoveries cannot be overridden. Likewise, if your descent rate exceeds 90,000 fpm
 below 20,000 ft and auto recovery will trigger.
 When radar altitude meets GCAS altitude, as indicated by chevrons converging from the sides of
 the HMD display, an automatic recovery maneuver will take command of the jet and then hand off
 to the auto pilot in Terrain Following mode.
 To test the system, takeoff and climb to 30,000 ft. Place the jet into a steep nose down dive,
 let go of the stick and watch the jet perform.

 システムはデフォルトでONです。 GCASは、機の降下率とレーダー高度を監視し、地上への衝突の数秒前に自動回復の機動をトリガします。
 正常飛行状態への回復には、操縦桿は20%未満の引きであることが必要です。 20%以上に引くと、システムをオーバーライドします。
 背面飛行の回復機動はオーバーライドできません。同様に、機の降下率が90,000 FPMを超え、高度が2万フィート以下だと自動回復機動がトリガされます。

**LANDING SPEEDS (technique) [#y69b9036]

 The best approach speed for the current aircraft gross weight is determined by the Angle of Attack (AoA)
 indicator, next to the N1 display.
  A green "meat ball" means you are at the correct speed for your weight.
  A yellow down arrow means you are too fast, slow down.
  A red up arrow means you are too slow, speed up.

 緑の「meat ball」は、現時点での重量での正しい速度であることを意味します。

*NAV LOW mode [#sdabd3d7]

 Basically,it is whenever you are below 500 ft AGL (or radar altitude minimum) 
 with the landing gear retracted and up to, but no more than 30 deg of roll. 
 I call it NAV LOW mode in the HMD.
 Roll the Jet more than 30 degrees and you automatically get switched back
 into the cockpit looking up and in to the turn. 
 Roll wings level (< 30 deg) and continue looking forward thru the EOTS.
 Climb above 500 ft AGL (or radar alt min) and you are back in the cockpit full time.
 着陸とギアは格納しUPされていて、かつロールが30度以下のとき、HMDにNAV LOWモードと出ます。

*TARGET TRACK / MISSILE modes [#n93c22b8]
 In Target Track and Missile launch modes, the DAS will always switch to the most appropriate
 external camera on order to keep your target in sight.


*BOMB mode [#d94e76de]
 In Bomb mode, the DAS will try to give you an optimal visibility on the ground targets:
  With the nose on or below the horizon, down to -60 deg the view is down through the forward EOTS camera.
  With the nose above the horizon, from zero up to 15 degrees the view is switched to the aft EOTS camera looking down and aft.
  Pull the nose up a little further (> 15 degrees) and aft DAS camera takes over.
  Climb above 10,000 ft AGL and you are back in the cockpit again.
 During the first two above, fwd and aft EOTS views, from -60 up to +15 degrees of nose pitch, if at any time you roll
 the Jet more than 60 degrees (double the normal limit) you are switched back into the cockpit.
 That is because, logically, rolling the Jet starts you turning away from the belly so you really need to be in the cockpit then,
 looking in the direction of the turn, not looking away from the turn. 
 Roll the Jet back to < 60 degrees and your back in EOTS.
 These view switches are all coordinated to make the process of diving and dropping a bomb while looking through the forward EOTS camera,
 leveling out after the drop and checking results through the aft EOTS camera, then climbing away and looking aft through DAS
 all happen without (simulator) pilot intervention.

 さらに少し(> 15度)機首を引き上げると、後方DASカメラへ切り替わります。

*VIRTUAL IFR plugin [#nd50f965]
 Virtual IFR is a simulated in-flight refueling where you are in NAV mode with the IFR probe extended,
 not the X-Plane in-flight refueling "situation". 
 You can imagine it as a training mode for aerial refueling operations.
 A green circle surrounds the tip of the IFR probe when you are close to the right altitude and airspeed
 for virtual IFR to work.
 The parameters are:
   Altitude: 20,000 or 30,000 mean sea level ft +/- 1,000 ft
   Airspeed: 300 knots indicated airspeed +/- 20 knots
   Climb rate: > -1,000 and < + 1,000 to fpm climb/descent rate
 On the slow side, the circle becomes yellow and shrinks if you slow toward the lower speed limit for taking on fuel,
 but refueling continues until you slow below the lowest speed allowed.
 The yellow circle disappears below the lowest speed allowed and refueling automatically stops.
 On the fast side, the circle increases size as you approach the upper speed limit and eventually turns red
 when you exceed the maximum. Refueling stops when the circle turns red.
 Duplicate altitude and vertical velocity displays appear near the IFR probe tip when you get close to
 the proper altitudes and climb/descent rates for taking on virtual fuel.  
 These new display locations help you concentrate developing the skills needed to "hand fly the probe" into
 a basket when you try the TRACK/IFR mode of "stealing fuel" from AI planes or the X-Plane in-flight refueling situation method.

 仮想IFRを使用すると、拡張IFRプローブとNAVモードになっているシミュレートされ、飛行中の給油ではなく、X線平面空中給油 "状況"です。
  高度20,000 30,000平均海面フィート+/-千フィート
  対気速度:300ノットが示された対気速度+/- 20ノット
  クライムレート:FPM上昇/降下率へ> -1000と<+千
 これらの新しい表示位置は、あなたがAIプレーンまたはX線平面空中給油状況メソッドから「燃料を盗む」のTRACK / IFRモードをしようとするとバスケットに 

*FIND THE BOAT plugin [#y43fc330]
 The BOAT button activates the new "find the boat" feature. You have to be airborne for it to work,
 greater than 200 ft above the ground and in 3D cockpit mode, again, because it is going to command
 the cockpit camera to point toward the boat, wherever it is.
 A boat symbol will draw in the HMD superimposed over the boat's location. That symbol will disappear
 when you get within 1 mile of the boat and BOAT mode will stop commanding the camera to look at the boat
 once you descend below 200 ft above the water.

 BOAT探し プラグイン

*AI MODELS [#d7fae8ea]
 The AI Models subfolder contains several formations of F-35B (wedge, echelon, right echelon, diamond).
 To use them in X-Plane, go into “Aircraft”, “Aircraft & Situations”. Switch to the “Other Aircraft” tab.
 Change the “number of aircraft” value so that there are as many extra aircraft as you want (the number includes your own aircraft).
 On the same tab, you should now see a list of aircrafts. Select one of the ACF files from the AI Models subfolder.
 Assign yourself to a color team (e.g. blue), and assign all of your enemies to a different team (e.g. red)
 by selecting the appropriate box beside the aircraft.

 X線平面でそれらを使用するには、「航空機」、「航空機&状況」に入ります。 「他の航空機」タブに切り替えます。
 同じタブで、あなたは今、航空機のリストが表示されます。 AIモデルのサブフォルダからACFファイルのいずれかを選択します。

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