Lastmodified 2023-04-19 (水) 10:22:15

ruby 26 27

ruby-2.6.6_2,1 > ruby-2.7


  AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby26

  The default ruby version has been updated from 2.6 to 2.7.

  If you compile your own ports you may keep 2.6 as the default version by
  adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file:

  # Keep ruby 2.6 as default version

  If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any
  software that uses ruby. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending
  upon how you manage your system.

  If you use pkg, simply upgrade:
  # pkg upgrade

  If you do not use pkg, please check entry 20190420.
  The description there should also work for this version.

# pkg delete ruby-2.6.6_2,1

Updating database digests format: 100%
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 6 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
        portupgrade: 2.4.16,2
        ruby: 2.6.6_2,1
        ruby26-bdb: 0.6.6_8
        ruby26-gems: 3.0.8
        rubygem-asciidoctor: 2.0.10
        rubygem-rdoc: 6.2.1

Number of packages to be removed: 6

The operation will free 44 MiB.

Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]:

Total access 771:本日 1:昨日 0

Counter: 771, today: 1, yesterday: 0

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