Lastmodified 2021-06-19 (土) 10:25:19
ports の databases/postgresql95-client が消滅したそうな。で、以下のpkg に影響がアル風味。
# pkg delete postgresql95-client-9.5.25 Updating database digests format: 100% Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Deinstallation has been requested for the following 6 packages (of 0 packages in the universe): Installed packages to be REMOVED: munin-node: 2.0.67 p5-DBD-Pg: 3.15.0 php73-extensions: 1.0 php73-pdo_pgsql: 7.3.28 php73-pgsql: 7.3.28 postgresql95-client: 9.5.25 Number of packages to be removed: 6
portupgrade -rfR postgresql96-client-9.6.22
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