Lastmodified 2017-09-17 (日) 18:47:40
403 アクセスコントロールの構文がかわりました。( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
phpMyAdminのインストール後、403が取れずに半日嵌まったワ orz
===> Registering installation for mod_php5-5.4.32,1 [activating module `php5' in /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf] *************************************************************** Make sure index.php is part of your DirectoryIndex. You should add the following to your Apache configuration file: <FilesMatch "\.php$"> SetHandler application/x-httpd-php </FilesMatch> <FilesMatch "\.phps$"> SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source </FilesMatch> *************************************************************** ===> SECURITY REPORT: This port has installed the following files which may act as network servers and may therefore pose a remote security risk to the system. /usr/local/libexec/apache24/ If there are vulnerabilities in these programs there may be a security risk to the system. FreeBSD makes no guarantee about the security of ports included in the Ports Collection. Please type 'make deinstall' to deinstall the port if this is a concern. For more information, and contact details about the security status of this software, see the following webpage:
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