Lastmodified 2019-03-08 (金) 14:18:09
phpMyAdmin で、
SELECT * FROM `oc_file_locks` WHERE `lock` = 1
DELETE FROM oc_file_locks WHERE 1
root@sun1:/usr/local/www/nextcloud:18_08_23:17:02 # sudo -u www php occ files:scan --all
You can’t access files because they are locked and you find such errors in your logfile:
{"reqId":"0DijSqEkfOg2iyh9VD8J","remoteAddr":"xx.xx.xx.xx","app":"webdav","message":"Exception: {\"Message\":\"HTTP\\\/1.1 423 \\\"path\\\/file.extension\\\" is locked\",\"Exception\":\"OCA\\\\DAV\\\\Connector\\\\Sabre\\\\Exception\\\\FileLocked\",\"Code\":0,\"Trace\":\"#0
•put Nextcloud in maintenance mode: edit config/config.php and change this line: 'maintenance' => true, •Empty table oc_file_locks: Use tools such as phpmyadmin or connect directly to your database and run (the default table prefix is oc_, this prefix can be different or even empty): DELETE FROM oc_file_locks WHERE 1 •disable maintenance mode (undo first step). •Make sure your cron-jobs run properly (you admin page tells you when cron ran the last time): 357
•on your own server: Use redis for this feature. It is faster and so far no problems have been reported. You can follow the instructions for memory-caching in the docs: 1.2k • Shared hosting (others who can’t install redis): You can disable the file locking, edit your configuration file config/config.php: 'filelocking.enabled' => false, However, disabling is not a good solution. You can run into problems when several processes try to write to a file (especially online editors in the web-interface). In single- user and single-client environments, it’s probably less of a problem.
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