Lastmodified 2021-06-28 (月) 14:48:48
AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.22 lang/perl5.24
The default perl has been switched to lang/perl5.26. If you're using binary
packages, you need to do :
# pkg set -o lang/perl5.24:lang/perl5.26
If you're not using binary packages and want to (and should) switch, if you're using perl-5.24, for instance :
Portupgrade users:
0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety):
pkgdb -Ff
1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.26):
portupgrade -o lang/perl5.26 -f perl-5.24.\*
2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl:
portupgrade -fr perl
Portmaster users:
portmaster -o lang/perl5.26 lang/perl5.24 Conservative: portmaster p5- Comprehensive (but perhaps overkill): portmaster -r perl-
Note: If the "perl-" glob matches more than one port you will need to specify
the name of the Perl directory in /var/db/pkg explicitly.
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