#author("2020-03-07T06:03:08+09:00","default:kuji","kuji") #author("2020-03-07T06:05:29+09:00","default:kuji","kuji") [[Nextcloud database is missing some indexes.]] CONTENTS #contents ---- Lastmodified &lastmod; ---- *Nextcloud [#a1d4a042] **17.* > 18.0.1 [#v9652c3e] ***/usr/bin/su -m www -c "php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices" [#i2db0298] root@sun1:/usr/local/www/nextcloud:20_03_06:10:46 # /usr/bin/su -m www -c "php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices" Check indices of the share table. Check indices of the filecache table. Check indices of the twofactor_providers table. Check indices of the login_flow_v2 table. Check indices of the whats_new table. Check indices of the cards table. Check indices of the cards_properties table. Check indices of the calendarobjects_props table. Adding calendarobject_calid_index index to the calendarobjects_props table, this can take some time... calendarobjects_props table updated successfully. Check indices of the schedulingobjects table. Adding schedulobj_principuri_index index to the schedulingobjects table, this can take some time... schedulingobjects table updated successfully. **14.04 > 15.0.2 [#s82b12a3] https://help.nextcloud.com/t/missing-index-owner-index-in-table-oc-share-solved/45154 テーブル "oc_share"のインデックス "owner_index"が見つかりません。 テーブル "oc_share"のインデックス "initiator_index"が見つかりません。 # sudo -u www php occ db:add-missing-indices Check indices of the share table. Adding additional owner index to the share table, this can take some time... Share table updated successfully. Adding additional initiator index to the share table, this can take some time... Share table updated successfully. SOLVED!! ---- Some columns in the database are missing a conversion to big int. Due to the fact that changing column types on big tables could take some time they were not changed automatically. By running 'occ db:convert-filecache-bigint' those pending changes could be applied manually. This operation needs to be made while the instance is offline. For further details read the documentation page about this. filecache.mtime filecache.storage_mtime # sudo -u www php occ db:convert-filecache-bigint Following columns will be updated: * filecache.mtime * filecache.storage_mtime This can take up to hours, depending on the number of files in your instance! Continue with the conversion (y/n)? [n] y ---- Total access &counter(total);:本日 &counter(today);:昨日 &counter(yesterday); #counter([total|today|yesterday]);