CONTENTS #contents ---- Lastmodified &lastmod; ---- *Mailman error [#a51645a7] portinstall japanese/mailman して入れたMailmanで動作テストしたら The mail system <>: Command died with status 2: "/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post core_sandbox". Command output: Group mismatch error. Mailman expected the mail wrapper script to be executed as group "nobody", but the system's mail server executed the mail script as group "mailman". Try tweaking the mail server to run the script as group "nobody", or re-run configure, providing the command line option `--with-mail-gid=mailman'. というエラーがでて投稿できない。ググってみると、自分の記事がヒット(^^ゞ [[Mailman on FreeBSD]] root@piano2nd:/usr/ports/japanese/mailman # portinstall japanese/mailman -m "MAIL_GID=mailman" "CGI_GID=www" [Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 147 packages found (-0 +0) done] [[Mailman on FreeBSD]] というわけで、 211 17:25 cd /usr/ports/japanese/mailman 212 17:29 make deinstall 213 17:29 rehash 214 17:29 portinstall japanese/mailman -m "MAIL_GID=mailman" "CGI_GID=www" しました。 cd /usr/ports/japanese/mailman make MAIL_GID=mailman make deinstall make reinstall ---- Total access &counter(total);:本日 &counter(today);:昨日 &counter(yesterday); #counter([total|today|yesterday]);