CONTENTS #contents ---- Lastmodified &lastmod; ---- *oniguruma5-5.9.6_1 is vulnerable: [#v1e87101] oniguruma -- multiple vulnerabilities CVE: CVE-2017-9228 CVE: CVE-2017-9228 CVE: CVE-2017-9227 CVE: CVE-2017-9226 CVE: CVE-2017-9224 WWW: # pkg info -r oniguruma5-5.9.6_1 oniguruma5-5.9.6_1: php56-mbstring-5.6.31_1 # pkg delete oniguruma5-5.9.6_1 Updating database digests format: 100% Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Deinstallation has been requested for the following 3 packages (of 0 packages in the universe): Installed packages to be REMOVED: oniguruma5-5.9.6_1 php56-mbstring-5.6.31_1 phpMyAdmin-4.7.4_1 Number of packages to be removed: 3 The operation will free 39 MiB. Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: N phpMyAdmin-4.7.4_1 も一蓮托生らしいので、一旦思いとどまる。w ということで、 【まとめ】これでクリーンになるょ。 【まとめ】 これでクリーンになるょ。 # cd /usr/ports/devel/oniguruma5 && make deinstall clean && portupgrade -fr --batch php56-mbstring-5.6.31_1 【参考サイト】 ---- Total access &counter(total);:本日 &counter(today);:昨日 &counter(yesterday); #counter([total|today|yesterday]);