#author("2021-06-05T11:28:04+09:00","default:kuji","kuji") #author("2021-06-05T11:30:39+09:00","default:kuji","kuji") CONTENTS #contents ---- Lastmodified &lastmod; ---- *pkg autoremove [#g000719a] **g7 [#k1d21864] # pkg autoremove Updating database digests format: 100% Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Deinstallation has been requested for the following 197 packages: Installed packages to be REMOVED: autoconf: 2.69_3 autoconf-wrapper: 20131203 automake: 1.16.3 bash-completion: 2.11,2 bdftopcf: 1.1_2 bison: 3.7.6,1 boost-jam: 1.72.0 boost-libs: 1.72.0_5 cmake: 3.20.2 cmocka: 1.1.5 docbook: 1.5 docbook-sgml: 4.5_1 docbook-xml: 5.0_3 docbook-xsl: 1.79.1_1,1 doxygen: 1.9.1,2 evdev-proto: 5.8 font-util: 1.3.2 frei0r: fstrm: 0.6.1 gamin: 0.1.10_10 gettext-tools: 0.21 gmake: 4.3_2 gnupg: 2.3.1 gobject-introspection: 1.66.1,1 gperf: 3.1 graphviz: 2.44.1_11 gsed: 4.8 gtk-doc: 1.33.2 harfbuzz-icu: 2.8.1 help2man: 1.48.3 highlight: 4.1,3 html2text: 1.3.2a,1 intltool: 0.51.0_1 iso8879: 1986_3 itstool: 2.0.6 jansson: 2.13.1 jsoncpp: 1.9.4 libXaw: 1.0.14,2 libXmu: 1.1.3,1 libXpm: 3.5.13 libXt: 1.2.1,1 libarchive: 3.5.1,1 libassuan: 2.5.5 libinotify: 20180201_2 libksba: 1.5.1 libmcrypt: 2.5.8_3 libpotrace: 1.16 libsunacl: 1.0.1 libtextstyle: 0.21 libtool: 2.4.6_1 llvm10: 10.0.1_5 lua52: 5.2.4 m4: 1.4.18_1,1 meson: 0.57.1_1 minixmlto: 0.0.3 nasm: 2.15.05,1 ninja: 1.10.2,2 npth: 1.6 nspr: 4.31 nss: 3.66 opencl: 3.0 openjpeg15: 1.5.2_1 p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check: 0.22 p5-Crypt-CBC: 3.04 p5-Crypt-PBKDF2: 0.161520 p5-CryptX: 0.072 p5-Digest-SHA3: 1.04 p5-Encode: 3.10 p5-ExtUtils-Depends: 0.8000 p5-File-HomeDir: 1.006 p5-File-ShareDir-Install: 0.13 p5-File-Which: 1.27 p5-HTTP-Daemon: 6.12 p5-Hash-FieldHash: 0.15 p5-Locale-gettext: 1.07 p5-Locale-libintl: 1.32 p5-Module-Build: 0.4231 p5-Moo: 2.005004 p5-Parse-RecDescent: 1.967015 p5-Parse-Yapp: 1.21 p5-Ref-Util-XS: 0.117 p5-Sub-Uplevel: 0.2800 p5-Test-Exception: 0.43 p5-Test-NoWarnings: 1.04_2 p5-Text-Unidecode: 1.30 p5-Time-Local: 1.30 p5-Type-Tie: 0.015 p5-Type-Tiny: 1.012003 p5-Type-Tiny-XS: 0.022 p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth: 12.0 p5-X500-DN: 0.29_1 p5-YAML-Tiny: 1.73 p5-bareword-filehandles: 0.007 p5-indirect: 0.39 p5-multidimensional: 0.014 p5-strictures: 2.000006,1 pinentry: 1.1.1 pinentry-curses: 1.1.1 pinentry-tty: 1.1.1 poppler: 21.05.0 popt: 1.18_1 protobuf-c: 1.4.0 py37-CommonMark: 0.9.1 py37-Genshi: 0.7.3 py37-alabaster: 0.7.12 py37-appdirs: 1.4.4 py37-asn1crypto: 1.4.0 py37-atomicwrites: 1.4.0 py37-attrs: 21.2.0 py37-beaker: 1.11.0 py37-country: 18.5.26 py37-cython: 0.29.23 py37-dnspython: 1.16.0 py37-future: 0.18.2 py37-gi-docgen: 2021.5 py37-google-i18n-address: 2.4.0 py37-html5lib: 1.0.1 py37-imagesize: 1.2.0 py37-importlib-metadata: 3.3.0_1 py37-intervaltree: 3.1.0 py37-iso8601: 0.1.12 py37-kitchen: 1.2.6 py37-libxml2: 2.9.10_4 py37-lxml: 4.6.3 py37-mako: 1.0.14_1 py37-markdown: 3.3.4 py37-mock: 3.0.5 py37-more-itertools: 8.8.0 py37-packaging: 20.9 py37-pluggy: 0.13.1 py37-py: 1.9.0 py37-pyflakes: 2.3.0 py37-pyparsing: 2.4.7 py37-pystemmer: 2.0.1 py37-pytest: 4.6.11 py37-pytest-runner: 2.11.1 py37-recommonmark: 0.5.0_2 py37-repoze.sphinx.autointerface: 0.8 py37-setuptools_scm: 4.1.2_1 py37-smartypants: 2.0.1 py37-snowballstemmer: 2.1.0 py37-sortedcontainers: 2.3.0 py37-sphinx: 3.5.2,1 py37-sphinx_rtd_theme: 0.4.3 py37-sphinxcontrib-applehelp: 1.0.2 py37-sphinxcontrib-devhelp: 1.0.2 py37-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp: 1.0.3 py37-sphinxcontrib-jsmath: 1.0.1 py37-sphinxcontrib-qthelp: 1.0.3 py37-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: 1.1.4 py37-sphinxcontrib-websupport: 1.2.4 py37-toml: 0.10.2 py37-typing-extensions: py37-typogrify: 2.0.7 py37-wcwidth: 0.1.8 py37-webencodings: 0.5.1 py37-yaml: 5.4.1 py37-zipp: 3.4.0 py38-setuptools: 44.0.0_1 py3c: 1.3 python36: 3.6.13 python38: 3.8.10 rhash: 1.4.1 rubygem-rdoc: 6.3.1 scons-py37: 3.1.2_1 scons-py38: 3.1.2_1 sdocbook-xml: 1.1_2,2 t1lib: 5.1.2_5,1 talloc: 2.3.1 tcl86: 8.6.11_1 tdb: 1.4.3,1 teckit: 2.5.7 tevent: 0.10.2_1 tex-basic-engines: 20150521 tex-dvipsk: 5.995_2 tex-formats: 20150521_2 tex-kpathsea: 6.2.1_2 tex-ptexenc: 1.3.3_2 tex-web2c: 20150521_3 texi2html: 5.0_2,1 texinfo: 6.7_5,1 texlive-base: 20150521_66 texlive-texmf: 20150523_4 texlive-tlmgr: 20150523_2 v4l_compat: 1.20.0_2 wayland-protocols: 1.21 xcb-proto: 1.14.1 xml2rfc: 3.5.0 xmlcatmgr: 2.2_2 xmlcharent: 0.3_2 xorg-macros: 1.19.3 xpdfopen: 0.86 xtrans: 1.4.0 yelp-tools: 3.38.0 yelp-xsl: 40.0 zip: 3.0_1 zziplib: 0.13.72_1 Number of packages to be removed: 197 The operation will free 3 GiB. Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: ** Nextcloud Server [#of88e383] 今回、pkg autoremove による動作不良はみられなかった。以前は、 # portinstall devel/pecl-APCu が必要だったようだが・・・・ upgrade 途中の、 # pkg bootstrap -f したあたりから、Nextcloudがエラー # pkg info -dr nextcloud-php73-21.0.2 nextcloud-php73-21.0.2 Depends on : php73-session-7.3.28 php73-opcache-7.3.28 php73-xsl-7.3.28 php73-xmlwriter-7.3.28 php73-xmlreader-7.3.28 php73-xml-7.3.28 php73-simplexml-7.3.28 php73-dom-7.3.28 php73-ctype-7.3.28 php73-posix-7.3.28 php73-fileinfo-7.3.28 php73-openssl-7.3.28 php73-hash-7.3.28 php73-filter-7.3.28 php73-ldap-7.3.28 php73-gmp-7.3.28 php73-bcmath-7.3.28 php73-7.3.28 php73-gd-7.3.28 php73-exif-7.3.28 php73-curl-7.3.28 php73-json-7.3.28 php73-intl-7.3.28_1 php73-pecl-APCu-5.1.20 gettext-runtime-0.21 php73-pdo_mysql-7.3.28 php73-pdo-7.3.28 php73-mbstring-7.3.28 php73-iconv-7.3.28 php73-zlib-7.3.28 php73-zip-7.3.28 php73-bz2-7.3.28 portupgrade -f devel/pecl-APCu portupgrade -f apache24 portupgrade -f 'php73-*' portupgrade -f 'mysql80-*' *mail.::::.info [#de8cd295] # pkg autoremove Updating database digests format: 100% Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Deinstallation has been requested for the following 148 packages: Installed packages to be REMOVED: bash-completion: 2.11,2 bdftopcf: 1.1_2 binutils: 2.33.1_4,1 bison: 3.7.6,1 boost-jam: 1.72.0 boost-libs: 1.72.0_5 docbook: 1.5 docbook-sgml: 4.5_1 docbook-to-man: 1.0_2 docbook-xml: 5.0_3 docbook-xsl: 1.79.1_1,1 e2fsprogs-libuuid: 1.46.2 evdev-proto: 5.8 fakeroot: 1.23 font-util: 1.3.2 frei0r: gccmakedep: 1.0.3 gettext-tools: 0.21 gmake: 4.3_2 gobject-introspection: 1.66.1,1 gperf: 3.1 gsed: 4.8 gtk-doc: 1.33.2 help2man: 1.48.3 highlight: 4.1,3 html2text: 1.3.2a,1 imake: 1.0.8,1 intltool: 0.51.0_1 iso8879: 1986_3 itstool: 2.0.6 jade: 1.2.1_10 libXdamage: 1.1.5 libXpm: 3.5.13 libXrandr: 1.5.2 libXxf86vm: 1.1.4_3 libtextstyle: 0.21 libtool: 2.4.6_1 libxshmfence: 1.3_1 llvm10: 10.0.1_5 llvm80: 8.0.1_4 makedepend: 1.0.6,1 mesa-libs: 20.2.3 meson: 0.57.1_1 minixmlto: 0.0.3 mpfr: 4.1.0 nasm: 2.15.05,1 ninja: 1.10.2,2 opencl: 3.0 p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check: 0.22 p5-Canary-Stability: 2013_1 p5-Crypt-CBC: 3.04 p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess: 0.13 p5-Crypt-PBKDF2: 0.161520 p5-CryptX: 0.072 p5-Devel-CheckLib: 1.14 p5-Digest-SHA3: 1.04 p5-ExtUtils-Depends: 0.8000 p5-File-ShareDir-Install: 0.13 p5-HTTP-Daemon: 6.12 p5-Hash-FieldHash: 0.15 p5-Locale-gettext: 1.07 p5-Locale-libintl: 1.32 p5-Module-Build: 0.4231 p5-Moo: 2.005004 p5-Path-Class: 0.37 p5-Ref-Util-XS: 0.117 p5-Sub-Uplevel: 0.2800 p5-Test-Exception: 0.43 p5-Test-NoWarnings: 1.04_2 p5-Text-Unidecode: 1.30 p5-Type-Tie: 0.015 p5-Type-Tiny: 1.012003 p5-Type-Tiny-XS: 0.022 p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth: 12.0 p5-bareword-filehandles: 0.007 p5-indirect: 0.39 p5-multidimensional: 0.014 p5-strictures: 2.000006,1 py27-cython: 0.29.23 py37-Babel: 2.9.1 py37-CommonMark: 0.9.1 py37-Jinja2: 2.11.2_1 py37-alabaster: 0.7.12 py37-appdirs: 1.4.4 py37-asn1crypto: 1.4.0 py37-beaker: 1.11.0 py37-country: 18.5.26 py37-cython: 0.29.23 py37-docutils: 0.17.1 py37-future: 0.18.2 py37-gi-docgen: 2021.5 py37-google-i18n-address: 2.4.0 py37-html5lib: 1.0.1 py37-imagesize: 1.2.0 py37-importlib-metadata: 3.3.0_1 py37-intervaltree: 3.1.0 py37-kitchen: 1.2.6 py37-libxml2: 2.9.10_4 py37-lxml: 4.6.3 py37-mako: 1.0.14_1 py37-markdown: 3.3.4 py37-markupsafe: 1.1.1_1 py37-mock: 3.0.5 py37-packaging: 20.9 py37-pyflakes: 2.3.0 py37-pygments: 2.7.2 py37-pyparsing: 2.4.7 py37-pystemmer: 2.0.1 py37-recommonmark: 0.5.0_2 py37-repoze.sphinx.autointerface: 0.8 py37-setuptools_scm: 4.1.2_1 py37-smartypants: 2.0.1 py37-snowballstemmer: 2.1.0 py37-sortedcontainers: 2.3.0 py37-sphinx: 3.5.2,1 py37-sphinx_rtd_theme: 0.4.3 py37-sphinxcontrib-applehelp: 1.0.2 py37-sphinxcontrib-devhelp: 1.0.2 py37-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp: 1.0.3 py37-sphinxcontrib-jsmath: 1.0.1 py37-sphinxcontrib-qthelp: 1.0.3 py37-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: 1.1.4 py37-sphinxcontrib-websupport: 1.2.4 py37-toml: 0.10.2 py37-typing-extensions: py37-typogrify: 2.0.7 py37-webencodings: 0.5.1 py37-yaml: 5.4.1 py37-zipp: 3.4.0 readline: 8.1.1 rubygem-rdoc: 6.3.1 sdocbook-xml: 1.1_2,2 tcl86: 8.6.11_1 texi2html: 5.0_2,1 texinfo: 6.7_5,1 tradcpp: 0.5.3 v4l_compat: 1.20.0_2 wayland-protocols: 1.21 xcb-proto: 1.14.1 xml2rfc: 3.5.0 xmlcatmgr: 2.2_2 xmlcharent: 0.3_2 xorg-cf-files: 1.0.6 xorg-macros: 1.19.3 xtrans: 1.4.0 yelp-tools: 3.38.0 yelp-xsl: 40.0 zip: 3.0_1 Number of packages to be removed: 148 The operation will free 2 GiB. Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: ** pkg info -r perl5 [#m2ec64b2] perl5-5.28.3_1: aspell-0.60.8_1,1 namazu2-2.0.21_2 p5-File-MMagic-1.30_1 p5-XML-LibXML-2.0207,1 p5-Net-Server-2.010 p5-Net-SSLeay-1.90 p5-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.22 p5-Net-CIDR-0.21 p5-MIME-Types-2.20 p5-Log-Log4perl-1.54 p5-HTML-Parser-3.76 p5-Exception-Class-1.45 p5-Digest-HMAC-1.04 ImageMagick6-nox11-,1 apache24-2.4.48 p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.071 p5-DBD-Pg-3.15.0 p5-HTTP-Message-6.32 p5-URI-5.09 p5-Encode-3.10 mysql80-server-8.0.25 mysql80-client-8.0.25 p5-Mail-DKIM-1.20200907 p5-libwww-6.54 p5-CGI-4.52 p5-Net-DNS-1.31,1 p5-DateTime-Locale-1.32 p5-DBD-mysql-4.050_1 p5-Net-HTTP-6.21 logcheck-1.3.23 spamassassin-3.4.5 net-snmp-5.9_3,1 munin-master-2.0.67 munin-node-2.0.67 p5-Crypt-DES-2.07_2 munin-common-2.0.67 p5-Specio-0.47 p5-Role-Tiny-2.002004 p5-DateTime-TimeZone-2.47,1 p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults-2.20210112 p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.10 automake-1.16.3 p5-List-MoreUtils-0.430 p5-LWP-Protocol-https-6.10 p5-File-Listing-6.14 p5-DateTime-1.54 p5-Params-Util-1.102 p5-Class-Singleton-1.6 p5-Date-Manip-6.83 p5-Class-C3-0.35 p5-Algorithm-C3-0.11 p5-Package-Stash-0.39 p5-List-MoreUtils-XS-0.430 p5-File-ShareDir-1.118 p5-Params-Validate-1.30 p5-BerkeleyDB-0.64 p5-Mail-Tools-2.21 p5-Mozilla-CA-20200520 p5-DateTime-HiRes-0.04 rrdtool-1.7.2_4 amavisd-new-2.12.0_1,1 p5-Convert-TNEF-0.18_2 p5-IO-Stringy-2.113 p5-TimeDate-2.33,1 p5-common-sense-3.75 p5-Clone-0.45 p5-Exporter-Tiny-1.002002 p5-Archive-Zip-1.68 hunspell-1.7.0_2 autoconf-2.69_3 p5-XML-Parser-2.44 p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.72_3 p5-Net-LibIDN-0.12_5 p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01_1 p5-MIME-Tools-5.509,2 p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.72_1 p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock-1.20200215 p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02_1 p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1 p5-Convert-UUlib-1.70,1 p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.31 p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04 p5-Try-Tiny-0.30 p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.15 p5-JSON-2.97.001 p5-Convert-BinHex-1.125 p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.09 p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09_1 p5-Unix-Syslog-1.1_1 p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1 p5-IO-Multiplex-1.16 p5-HTTP-Date-6.05 p5-Encode-Detect-1.01_1 p5-Time-Local-1.30 p5-Net-IDN-Encode-2.500 p5-Encode-Locale-1.05 p5-DBI-1.643 p5-Socket6-0.29 p5-NetAddr-IP-4.079 p5-CGI-Fast-2.15 p5-Cache-Cache-1.08 p5-File-Copy-Recursive-0.45 p5-HTML-Template-2.95_1 p5-Net-IP-1.26_1 p5-Net-SNMP-6.0.1_1 p5-XML-SAX-1.02 mime-construct-1.11_2 p5-Cache-2.11 p5-Digest-SHA1-2.13_1 p5-IPC-ShareLite-0.17_1 p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.12 p5-XML-SAX-Base-1.09 p5-File-NFSLock-1.29 p5-Heap-0.80_1 p5-IO-String-1.08_1 p5-Proc-WaitStat-1.00_1 p5-IPC-Signal-1.00_1 p5-Params-ValidationCompiler-0.30_1 p5-namespace-autoclean-0.29 p5-Class-Inspector-1.36 p5-Eval-Closure-0.14 p5-MRO-Compat-0.13 p5-Sub-Identify-0.14 p5-Sub-Quote-2.006006 p5-namespace-clean-0.27 p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.24 p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08_1 p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.13 p5-Devel-StackTrace-2.04 p5-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11_1 p5-Module-Implementation-0.09_1 p5-Package-Stash-XS-0.29 p5-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013 p5-Variable-Magic-0.62 p5-Module-Runtime-0.016 p5-Sub-Exporter-0.987_1 p5-Data-OptList-0.110 p5-Sub-Install-0.928_1 p5-Error-0.17029 p5-FCGI-0.79 Perl で encode.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake key 0xd480080, needed 0xe180080) がでるので、 Perl5 再インストール https://piano2nd.smb.net/PukiWiki/index.php?FreeBSD%2011.4%20to%2012.2#be1235d6 # pkg info -r perl5 perl5-5.28.3_1: portinstall --batch aspell-0.60.8_1,1 namazu2-2.0.21_2 ImageMagick6-nox11-,1 apache24-2.4.48 mysql80-server-8.0.25 mysql80-client-8.0.25 logcheck-1.3.23 spamassassin-3.4.5 net-snmp-5.9_3,1 munin-master-2.0.67 munin-node-2.0.67 munin-common-2.0.67 automake-1.16.3 rrdtool-1.7.2_4 amavisd-new-2.12.0_1,1 hunspell-1.7.0_2 autoconf-2.69_3 mime-construct-1.11_2 p5-File-MMagic-1.30_1 p5-XML-LibXML-2.0207,1 p5-Net-Server-2.010 p5-Net-SSLeay-1.90 p5-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.22 p5-Net-CIDR-0.21 p5-MIME-Types-2.20 p5-Log-Log4perl-1.54 p5-HTML-Parser-3.76 p5-Exception-Class-1.45 p5-Digest-HMAC-1.04 p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.071 p5-DBD-Pg-3.15.0 p5-HTTP-Message-6.32 p5-URI-5.09 p5-Encode-3.10 p5-Mail-DKIM-1.20200907 p5-libwww-6.54 p5-CGI-4.52 p5-Net-DNS-1.31,1 p5-DateTime-Locale-1.32 p5-DBD-mysql-4.050_1 p5-Net-HTTP-6.21 p5-Crypt-DES-2.07_2 p5-Specio-0.47 p5-Role-Tiny-2.002004 p5-DateTime-TimeZone-2.47,1 p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults-2.20210112 p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.10 p5-List-MoreUtils-0.430 p5-LWP-Protocol-https-6.10 p5-File-Listing-6.14 p5-DateTime-1.54 p5-Params-Util-1.102 p5-Class-Singleton-1.6 p5-Date-Manip-6.83 p5-Class-C3-0.35 p5-Algorithm-C3-0.11 p5-Package-Stash-0.39 p5-List-MoreUtils-XS-0.430 p5-File-ShareDir-1.118 p5-Params-Validate-1.30 p5-BerkeleyDB-0.64 p5-Mail-Tools-2.21 p5-Mozilla-CA-20200520 p5-DateTime-HiRes-0.04 p5-Convert-TNEF-0.18_2 p5-IO-Stringy-2.113 p5-TimeDate-2.33,1 p5-common-sense-3.75 p5-Clone-0.45 p5-Exporter-Tiny-1.002002 p5-Archive-Zip-1.68 p5-XML-Parser-2.44 p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.72_3 p5-Net-LibIDN-0.12_5 p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01_1 p5-MIME-Tools-5.509,2 p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.72_1 p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock-1.20200215 p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02_1 p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1 p5-Convert-UUlib-1.70,1 p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.31 p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04 p5-Try-Tiny-0.30 p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.15 p5-JSON-2.97.001 p5-Convert-BinHex-1.125 p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.09 p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09_1 p5-Unix-Syslog-1.1_1 p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1 p5-IO-Multiplex-1.16 p5-HTTP-Date-6.05 p5-Encode-Detect-1.01_1 p5-Time-Local-1.30 p5-Net-IDN-Encode-2.500 p5-Encode-Locale-1.05 p5-DBI-1.643 p5-Socket6-0.29 p5-NetAddr-IP-4.079 p5-CGI-Fast-2.15 p5-Cache-Cache-1.08 p5-File-Copy-Recursive-0.45 p5-HTML-Template-2.95_1 p5-Net-IP-1.26_1 p5-Net-SNMP-6.0.1_1 p5-XML-SAX-1.02 p5-Cache-2.11 p5-Digest-SHA1-2.13_1 p5-IPC-ShareLite-0.17_1 p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.12 p5-XML-SAX-Base-1.09 p5-File-NFSLock-1.29 p5-Heap-0.80_1 p5-IO-String-1.08_1 p5-Proc-WaitStat-1.00_1 p5-IPC-Signal-1.00_1 p5-Params-ValidationCompiler-0.30_1 p5-namespace-autoclean-0.29 p5-Class-Inspector-1.36 p5-Eval-Closure-0.14 p5-MRO-Compat-0.13 p5-Sub-Identify-0.14 p5-Sub-Quote-2.006006 p5-namespace-clean-0.27 p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.24 p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08_1 p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.13 p5-Devel-StackTrace-2.04 p5-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11_1 p5-Module-Implementation-0.09_1 p5-Package-Stash-XS-0.29 p5-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013 p5-Variable-Magic-0.62 p5-Module-Runtime-0.016 p5-Sub-Exporter-0.987_1 p5-Data-OptList-0.110 p5-Sub-Install-0.928_1 p5-Error-0.17029 p5-FCGI-0.79 ***pkg info perl5 非関連 [#h82bc0db] ***pkg info perl5 非関連 :pkg delete perl5 後 [#of836d02] alsa-lib-1.2.2 ALSA compatibility library aom-3.1.0 AV1 reference encoder/decoder apr- Apache Portability Library arc-5.21p Create & extract files from DOS .ARC files areca-cli-amd64-,1 Command Line Interface for the Areca ARC-xxxx RAID controllers argp-standalone-1.3_4 Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from GLIBC arj-3.10.22_8 Open source implementation of the ARJ archiver autoconf-wrapper-20131203 Wrapper script for GNU autoconf avahi-app-0.8 Service discovery on a local network bash-5.1.8 GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell bind-tools-9.16.16 Command line tools from BIND: delv, dig, host, nslookup... bind911-9.11.32_1 BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64 ca_root_nss-3.63 Root certificate bundle from the Mozilla Project cabextract-1.9.1 Program to extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files cairo-1.17.4,3 Vector graphics library with cross-device output support check-0.15.2 Unit test framework for C clamav-0.103.2,1 Command line virus scanner written entirely in C cmake-3.20.3 Cross-platform Makefile generator cups-2.3.3op2 Common UNIX Printing System curl-7.76.1 Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs cyrus-sasl-2.1.27_1 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) dav1d-0.9.0 Small and fast AV1 decoder db5-5.3.28_7 Oracle Berkeley DB, revision 5.3 dbus-1.12.20_4 Message bus system for inter-application communication dbus-glib-0.110 GLib bindings for the D-BUS messaging system dejavu-2.37_1 Bitstream Vera Fonts clone with a wider range of characters dialog4ports-0.1.6 Console Interface to configure ports encodings-1.0.5,1 X.Org Encoding fonts expat-2.4.1 XML 1.0 parser written in C ffmpeg-4.4_1,1 Realtime audio/video encoder/converter and streaming server fftw3-3.3.9 Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform file-5.39 Utility to determine file type firebird25-client-2.5.9 Firebird-2 database client font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_4 X.Org Bigelow & Holmes TTF font font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.4 X.Org miscellaneous Ethiopic font font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_4 X.Org miscellaneous Meltho font fontconfig-2.13.93,1 XML-based font configuration API for X Windows freetds-1.2.21,1 Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library freetype2-2.10.4 Free and portable TrueType font rendering engine fribidi-1.0.10 Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm gdbm-1.19 GNU database manager gettext-runtime-0.21 GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs gettext-tools-0.21 GNU gettext development and translation tools ghostscript9-agpl-base-9.52_17 PostScript and PDF interpreter giflib-5.2.1 Tools and library routines for working with GIF images glib-2.66.8,2 Some useful routines of C programming (current stable version) gmake-4.3_2 GNU version of 'make' utility gmp-6.2.1 Free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic gnome_subr-1.0 Common startup and shutdown subroutines used by GNOME scripts gnupg1-1.4.23_2 The GNU Privacy Guard (minimalist "classic" version) gnutls-3.6.15 GNU Transport Layer Security library graphite2-1.3.14 Rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems gsfonts-8.11_8 Standard Fonts for Ghostscript harfbuzz-2.8.1 OpenType text shaping engine icu-69.1,1 International Components for Unicode (from IBM) indexinfo-0.3.1 Utility to regenerate the GNU info page index java-zoneinfo-2021.a Updated Java timezone definitions javavmwrapper-2.7.7 Wrapper script for various Java Virtual Machines jbig2dec-0.19 Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format jbigkit-2.1_1 Lossless compression for bi-level images such as scanned pages, faxes jpeg-turbo-2.0.6 SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec which replaces libjpeg json-c-0.15_1 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) implementation in C jsoncpp-1.9.4 JSON reader and writer library for C++ krb5-1.19.1 MIT implementation of RFC 4120 network authentication service lame-3.100_2 Fast MP3 encoder kit lcms2-2.12 Accurate, fast, and small-footprint color management engine lha-1.14i_8 Archive files using LZSS and Huffman compression (.lzh files) libICE-1.0.10,1 Inter Client Exchange library for X11 libSM-1.2.3,1 Session Management library for X11 libX11-1.7.1,1 X11 library libXau-1.0.9 Authentication Protocol library for X11 libXdmcp-1.1.3 X Display Manager Control Protocol library libXext-1.3.4,1 X11 Extension library libXfixes-5.0.3_2 X Fixes extension library libXft-2.3.3 Client-sided font API for X applications libXi-1.7.10,1 X Input extension library libXrender-0.9.10_2 X Render extension library libXt-1.2.1,1 X Toolkit library libXtst-1.2.3_2 X Test extension libarchive-3.5.1,1 Library to create and read several streaming archive formats libargon2-20190702 Memory hard password hashing program and library libass-0.15.1 Portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer libdaemon-0.14_1 Lightweight C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons libdrm-2.4.106,1 Userspace interface to kernel Direct Rendering Module services libedit-3.1.20210216,1 Command line editor library libepoll-shim-0.0.20210418 Small epoll implementation using kqueue libevent-2.1.12 API for executing callback functions on events or timeouts libffi-3.3_1 Foreign Function Interface libfontenc-1.1.4 The fontenc Library libgcrypt-1.9.3 General purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG libgd-2.3.1,1 Graphics library for fast creation of images libgpg-error-1.42 Common error values for all GnuPG components libiconv-1.16 Character set conversion library libidn-1.35 Internationalized Domain Names command line tool libidn2-2.3.1 Implementation of IDNA2008 internationalized domain names libinotify-20180201_2 Kevent based inotify compatible library liblockfile-1.17 Standard lockfile library liblqr-1-0.4.2 Easy to use C/C++ seam carving library libltdl-2.4.6 System independent dlopen wrapper liblz4-1.9.3,1 LZ4 compression library, lossless and very fast libmspack-0.10.1 Library for Microsoft compression formats libnghttp2-1.43.0 HTTP/2.0 C Library libogg-1.3.4,4 Ogg bitstream library libpaper- Library providing routines for paper size management libpciaccess-0.16 Generic PCI access library libpthread-stubs-0.4 Weak aliases for pthread functions libraqm-0.7.1 Library that encapsulates complex text layout logic libraw-0.20.2 Library for manipulating raw images libsodium-1.0.18 Library to build higher-level cryptographic tools libtasn1-4.17.0 ASN.1 structure parser library libtextstyle-0.21 Text styling library libtheora-1.1.1_7 Theora video codec for the Ogg multimedia streaming system libudev-devd-0.4.2_1 libudev-compatible interface for devd libunistring-0.9.10_1 Unicode string library libunwind-20201110 Generic stack unwinding library libuv-1.41.0 Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O libv4l-1.20.0_2 Video4Linux library libva-2.11.0_1 VAAPI wrapper and dummy driver libvdpau-1.4 VDPAU wrapper and tracing library libvorbis-1.3.7_2,3 Audio compression codec library libvpx-1.10.0 VP8/VP9 reference encoder/decoder libwmf-nox11-0.2.12 Tools and library for converting Microsoft WMF (windows metafile) libx264-0.161.3049 H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Video Encoding (Library) libxcb-1.14_1 The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) library libxml2-2.9.10_4 XML parser library for GNOME libxslt-1.1.34_1 The XSLT C library for GNOME libyaml-0.2.5 YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C libzip-1.7.3 C library for reading, creating, and modifying ZIP archives lmdb-0.9.28,1 OpenLDAP Lightning Memory-Mapped Database lockfile-progs-0.1.18 Programs for locking and unlocking files and mailboxes lua52-5.2.4 Small, compilable scripting language providing easy access to C code lzo2-2.10_1 Portable speedy, lossless data compression library lzop-1.04 Fast file compressor similar to gzip, using the LZO library m4-1.4.18_1,1 GNU M4 memcached-1.6.9_1 High-performance distributed memory object cache system mkfontscale-1.2.1 Creates an index of scalable font files for X monit-5.28.0 Unix system management and proactive monitoring mpdecimal-2.5.1 C/C++ arbitrary precision decimal floating point libraries mpfr-4.1.0 Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations nasm-2.15.05,1 General-purpose multi-platform x86 and amd64 assembler nettle-3.7.2_2 Low-level cryptographic library oniguruma- Regular expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl opencl-3.0 Open Computing Language (OpenCL) specifications V3.0 (header files) openjdk8- Java Development Kit 8 openjpeg-2.4.0 Open-source JPEG 2000 codec openldap-sasl-client-2.4.58 Open source LDAP client implementation with SASL2 support openssl-1.1.1k_1,1 TLSv1.3 capable SSL and crypto library opus-1.3.1 IETF audio codec p11-kit-0.23.22_1 Library for loading and enumerating of PKCS#11 modules p7zip-16.02_3 File archiver with high compression ratio panda-cclient-20130621_1 Mark Crispin's C-client mail access routines forked from UW pango-1.48.4_1 Open-source framework for the layout and rendering of i18n text pciids-20210426 Database of all known IDs used in PCI devices pcre-8.44 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library pcre2-10.37 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library, version 2 pdflib-7.0.5_6 C library for dynamically generating PDF perl5-5.28.3_1 Practical Extraction and Report Language php73-7.3.28 PHP Scripting Language php73-bcmath-7.3.28 The bcmath shared extension for php php73-bz2-7.3.28 The bz2 shared extension for php php73-calendar-7.3.28 The calendar shared extension for php php73-ctype-7.3.28 The ctype shared extension for php php73-curl-7.3.28 The curl shared extension for php php73-dba-7.3.28 The dba shared extension for php php73-dom-7.3.28 The dom shared extension for php php73-exif-7.3.28 The exif shared extension for php php73-fileinfo-7.3.28 The fileinfo shared extension for php php73-filter-7.3.28 The filter shared extension for php php73-ftp-7.3.28 The ftp shared extension for php php73-gd-7.3.28 The gd shared extension for php php73-gettext-7.3.28 The gettext shared extension for php php73-gmp-7.3.28 The gmp shared extension for php php73-hash-7.3.28 The hash shared extension for php php73-iconv-7.3.28 The iconv shared extension for php php73-imap-7.3.28 The imap shared extension for php php73-interbase-7.3.28_1 The interbase shared extension for php php73-intl-7.3.28_1 The intl shared extension for php php73-json-7.3.28 The json shared extension for php php73-ldap-7.3.28 The ldap shared extension for php php73-mbstring-7.3.28 The mbstring shared extension for php php73-mysqli-7.3.28 The mysqli shared extension for php php73-odbc-7.3.28 The odbc shared extension for php php73-opcache-7.3.28 The opcache shared extension for php php73-openssl-7.3.28 The openssl shared extension for php php73-pcntl-7.3.28 The pcntl shared extension for php php73-pdo-7.3.28 The pdo shared extension for php php73-pdo_dblib-7.3.28 The pdo_dblib shared extension for php php73-pdo_firebird-7.3.28_1 The pdo_firebird shared extension for php php73-pdo_mysql-7.3.28 The pdo_mysql shared extension for php php73-pdo_odbc-7.3.28 The pdo_odbc shared extension for php php73-pdo_pgsql-7.3.28 The pdo_pgsql shared extension for php php73-pdo_sqlite-7.3.28 The pdo_sqlite shared extension for php php73-pecl-APCu-5.1.20 APC User Caching php73-pecl-pdflib-4.1.4_1 PECL extension to create PDF on the fly php73-pgsql-7.3.28 The pgsql shared extension for php php73-phar-7.3.28 The phar shared extension for php php73-posix-7.3.28 The posix shared extension for php php73-readline-7.3.28 The readline shared extension for php php73-session-7.3.28 The session shared extension for php php73-shmop-7.3.28 The shmop shared extension for php php73-simplexml-7.3.28 The simplexml shared extension for php php73-soap-7.3.28 The soap shared extension for php php73-sockets-7.3.28 The sockets shared extension for php php73-sodium-7.3.28 The sodium shared extension for php php73-sqlite3-7.3.28 The sqlite3 shared extension for php php73-sysvmsg-7.3.28 The sysvmsg shared extension for php php73-sysvsem-7.3.28 The sysvsem shared extension for php php73-sysvshm-7.3.28 The sysvshm shared extension for php php73-tidy-7.3.28 The tidy shared extension for php php73-tokenizer-7.3.28 The tokenizer shared extension for php php73-wddx-7.3.28 The wddx shared extension for php php73-xml-7.3.28 The xml shared extension for php php73-xmlreader-7.3.28 The xmlreader shared extension for php php73-xmlrpc-7.3.28 The xmlrpc shared extension for php php73-xmlwriter-7.3.28 The xmlwriter shared extension for php php73-xsl-7.3.28 The xsl shared extension for php php73-zip-7.3.28 The zip shared extension for php php73-zlib-7.3.28 The zlib shared extension for php phpMyAdmin-php73-4.9.7 Set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web pixman-0.40.0_1 Low-level pixel manipulation library pkg-1.16.3 Package manager pkgconf-1.7.4,1 Utility to help to configure compiler and linker flags png-1.6.37_1 Library for manipulating PNG images poppler-data-0.4.10 Poppler encoding data portupgrade-2.4.16,2 FreeBSD ports/packages administration and management tool suite postgresql95-client-9.5.25 PostgreSQL database (client) protobuf-3.14.0,1 Data interchange format library py27-dnspython-1.16.0 DNS toolkit for Python py37-acme-1.15.0,1 ACME protocol implementation in Python py37-certbot-1.15.0,1 Let's Encrypt client py37-certifi-2020.12.5 Mozilla SSL certificates py37-cffi-1.14.5 Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code py37-chardet-4.0.0,1 Universal encoding detector for Python 2 and 3 py37-configargparse-1.4 Drop-in replacement for argparse py37-configobj-5.0.6_1 Simple but powerful config file reader and writer py37-cryptography-3.3.2 Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python developers py37-distro-1.5.0 Linux OS platform information API py37-idna-2.10 Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) py37-josepy-1.5.0 JOSE protocol implementation in Python py37-openssl-20.0.1 Python interface to the OpenSSL library py37-parsedatetime-2.6 Python module for parsing 'human readable' date/time expressions py37-ply-3.11 Python Lex-Yacc py37-pycparser-2.20 C parser in Python py37-pyrfc3339-1.1 Generate and parse RFC 3339 timestamps py37-pysocks-1.7.1 Python SOCKS module py37-pytz-2021.1,1 World Timezone Definitions for Python py37-requests-2.25.1 HTTP library written in Python for human beings py37-requests-toolbelt-0.9.1 Utility belt for advanced users of python-requests py37-setuptools-57.0.0 Python packages installer py37-six-1.16.0 Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities py37-speedtest-cli-2.1.3 Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth py37-urllib3-1.25.11,1 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more py37-zope.component-4.2.2 Zope Component Architecture py37-zope.event-4.1.0 Very basic event publishing system py37-zope.interface-5.3.0 Interfaces for Python python27-2.7.18_1 Interpreted object-oriented programming language python37-3.7.10_1 Interpreted object-oriented programming language qpopper-4.1.0_6 Berkeley POP 3 server (now maintained by Qualcomm) re2c-0.14.3 Compile regular expression to C (much faster final code than flex) rhash-1.4.1 Utility and library for computing and checking of file hashes ripole-0.2.2 Small program designed to pull attachments out of OLE2 documents rpm2cpio-1.4_2 Convert .rpm files to cpio format rsync-3.2.3_1 Network file distribution/synchronization utility ruby-2.7.3_1,1 Object-oriented interpreted scripting language ruby27-bdb-0.6.6_8 Ruby interface to Oracle Berkeley DB revision 2 or later ruby27-gems-3.0.8 Package management framework for the Ruby language rubygem-asciidoctor-2.0.15 Fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain rubygem-rdoc-6.3.1 RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects screen-4.8.0_3 Multi-screen window manager smartmontools-7.2_1 S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring tools sqlite3-3.35.5_1,1 SQL database engine in a C library swig-4.0.2 Generate wrappers for calling C/C++ code from other languages tcl86-8.6.11_1 Tool Command Language tidy-lib-090315.c_3 Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML (with shared lib) tiff-4.3.0 Tools and library routines for working with TIFF images tpm-emulator-0.7.4_2 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) emulator trousers-0.3.14_3 Open-source TCG Software Stack unixODBC-2.3.9 ODBC library suite for Unix unrar-6.01,6 Extract, view & test RAR archives unzoo-4.4_2 ZOO archive extractor wayland-1.19.0_1 Wayland composite "server" webp-1.2.0 Google WebP image format conversion tool x265-3.4_1 H.265/High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) format xcb-proto-1.14.1 The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) protocol xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1 X.Org TrueType fonts xorg-macros-1.19.3 X.Org development aclocal macros xorgproto-2021.4 X Window System unified protocol definitions xtrans-1.4.0 Abstract network code for X xvid-1.3.7,1 Opensource MPEG-4 codec, based on OpenDivx xxhash-0.8.0 Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm zoo-2.10.1_4 Manipulate archives of files in compressed form zstd-1.5.0 Fast real-time compression algorithm ---- Total access &counter(total);:本日 &counter(today);:昨日 &counter(yesterday); #counter([total|today|yesterday]);