Lastmodified &lastmod;
*usr_ports_devel [#p2edb887]

  1018  9:55    portupgrade -ar --batch && reboot
  1019  9:14    /root/bin/check.sh
  1020  9:16    cd /usr/ports/devel/
  1021  9:16    ll
  1022  9:17    py-setuptools
  1023  9:17    make deinstall clean
  1023  9:17    make deinstall clean          ← ここでやらかす
  1024  10:48   pwd
  1025  10:48   ll
  1026  10:49   pkg info
  1027  10:49   locate py-setuptools
  1028  10:50   cd /usr/ports/devel/py-setuptools_scm
  1029  10:50   make install clean
  1030  10:51   pkg install py-setuptools_scm
  1031  10:51   pkg install py-setuptools
  1032  10:51   pkg info
  1033  10:52   pkg install py39-setuptools
  1034  10:53   locate py-setuptools
  1035  10:54   cd /usr/ports/devel/py-setuptools
  1036  10:54   make config
  1037  10:54   make install clean
  1038  10:54   pkg info
  1039  10:55   locate python39
  1040  10:55   cd
  1041  10:56   portupgrade -rfR python39-3.9.18_1
  1042  10:57   cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade
  1043  10:57   make install clean
  1044  10:57   locate libunwind.so.8
  1045  10:58   cd /usr/ports/devel/libunwind
  1046  10:58   make install clean
  1047  11:02   cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade
  1048  11:02   make install clean
  1049  11:04   make deinstall clean
  1050  11:04   make install clean
  1051  11:11   portupgrade -rfR python39-3.9.18_1
  1052  11:57   portinstall devel/re2c
  1053  12:01   pkg install re2c
  1054  12:01   portupgrade -rfR --batch python39-3.9.18_1
  1055  14:41   pkg info
  1056  14:41   cd
  1057  14:42   portupgrade -rfR --batch bind916
  1058  1:52    rndc reload
  1059  1:52    pkg info
  1060  1:53    portupgrade -rfR --batch apache24
  1061  6:33    apachectl restart
  1062  6:33    portupgrade -rfR --batch apache24
  1063  6:33    postfix reload
  1064  6:37    portupgrade -rfR --batch php81
  1065  9:06    history

**portupgrade -rfR --batch php81 [#g8e98402]

 ** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        ! databases/freetds (freetds-1.4.10,1)  (install error)
        * databases/php81-pdo_dblib (php81-pdo_dblib-8.1.27)
        * lang/php81-extensions (php81-extensions-1.1)
        ! multimedia/libva (libva-2.20.0_1)     (unknown build error)
        * multimedia/ffmpeg (ffmpeg-6.1.1,1)
        * graphics/libheif (libheif-1.17.6_1)
        * graphics/ImageMagick7 (ImageMagick7-
        * graphics/pecl-imagick (php81-pecl-imagick-3.7.0_3)

The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php
Additionally the function 'pcntl_signal' and 'pcntl_signal_dispatch' need to be enabled in your php.ini.

* /etc/mail/aliases.db [#v6ae1f36]
が、読めなくなっている。 検索すると・・・似通った状態が・・・


 Postfix in /etc/mail/mailer.conf [n]?
とは成らず・・・postfix も再インストール。
[BDB の混在の所為?]

   957  8:12    pkg info
   958  8:13    portupgrade -f cyrus-sasl-2.1.28_4
   959  8:19    postfix stop
   960  8:19    portupgrade -f postfix
   961  8:21    cd /usr/ports/mail/postfix


   963  8:21    make config

で、[ ] BDB        Berkeley DB support のチェックを外す。 

   964  8:25    make config
   965  8:25    make reinstall clean
   966  8:26    make deinstall clean
   967  8:26    make install clean

Postfix の再インストール後のコメントに従って、

   968  8:30    install -m 0644 /usr/local/share/postfix/mailer.conf.postfix /usr/local/etc/mail/mailer.conf


   969  8:30    postfix start
   970  8:31    newaliases
   971  8:31    reboot
   972  8:35    screen -r
   973  8:35    screen
   974  8:35    newaliases
   975  8:36    tail -f /var/log/all.log
   976  8:47    screen
   977  8:47    tail -f /var/log/all.log
   978  8:54    history
   979  8:55    postqueue -p

newaliases をした aliases.db は128KB のサイズとなって、正常動作。

[[Postfix aliases.db を読む・調べる]]

 -rw-r-----  1 root  wheel  131072 Feb  1 10:21 aliases.db
 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   49152 Nov  6 14:03 aliases.db_

 # file aliases.db
 aliases.db: Berkeley DB 1.85 (Hash, version 2, native byte-order)
 aliases.db: Berkeley DB 1.85 (Hash, version 2, native byte-order)  ← 現在正常動作している .db
 # file aliases.db_
 aliases.db_: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 9, native byte-order)
 aliases.db_: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 9, native byte-order) 

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