portupgrade webalizer-2.21-02 が出来ない件


   85  5:08    portupgrade webalizer-2.21-02
   86  5:09    cd /usr/ports/japanese/webalizer
   87  5:09    make rmconfig
   88  5:09    portupgrade webalizer-2.21-02
   89  5:09    portinstall japanese/webalizer
   90  5:10    make rmconfig
   91  5:10    portinstall japanese/webalizer
   92  5:12    portinstall japanese/webalizer
   93  5:13    pkgdb -R
   94  5:13    pkgdb -F
   95  5:14    locate php5-extensions
   96  5:14    portupgrade php5-extensions-1.3
   97  5:15    pkgdb -F
   98  5:19    pkgdb -F
   99  5:19    portinstall japanese/webalizer
  100  5:19    reboot
  101  5:22    portinstall japanese/webalizer
  102  5:25    pkgdb -F
  103  5:26    portsnap fetch && portsnap extract
  104  5:41    locate webalizer
  105  5:41    portupgrade ja-webalizer-2.21.2_1
  106  5:41    pkg_info -R ja-webalizer-2.21.2_1
  107  5:42    portinstall japanese/webalizer
  108  5:43    cd /usr/ports/japanese/webalizer
  109  5:43    make rmconfig
  110  5:43    cd /usr/ports/japanese/webalizer
  111  5:43    portinstall japanese/webalizer
  112  5:43    cd /usr/ports/japanese/webalizer
  113  5:43    ll
  114  5:43    rm -R work
  115  5:44    portinstall japanese/webalizer
  116  5:49    locate libpng.so.5
  117  5:49    locate libpng.so
  118  5:50    pkg_which /usr/local/lib/libpng.so
  119  5:50    pkg_info png-1.4.1_1
  120  5:51    portupgrade png-1.4.1_1:
  121  5:51    portupgrade png-1.4.1_1
  122  5:51    portinstall graphics/png
  123  5:52    cd /usr/ports/graphics/png
  124  5:52    make desintall
  125  5:52    make deinstall
  126  5:52    portinstall graphics/png
  127  5:52    portinstall japanese/webalizer
  128  5:55    locate libgd.so
  129  5:55    pkg_which /usr/local/lib/libgd.so
  130  5:55    portupgrade gd-2.0.35_2,1
  131  5:56    portinstall japanese/webalizer
  132  8:17    history

Warning: Truncating oversized referrer field [50712]


Webalizer V2.21-02 (FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p4 amd64) Japanese
Using logfile /var/log/thousand-winds.net_log (clf)
DNS Lookup (20): Warning: Truncating oversized referrer field [50711]
Warning: Truncating oversized referrer field [50712]
Warning: Truncating oversized referrer field [50713]
Warning: Truncating oversized referrer field [50714]
  :                       :              :
Generating report for November 2009
Saving history information...
Generating summary report
318433 records (274149 ignored) in 4 seconds, 79608/sec

と正常終了の風であるが、Logを見てみると、ローテートされていないので、 /etc/newsyslog.conf

/var/log/thousand-winds.net_log		644  12    *    @01T05 Z  /var/run/httpd.pid
/var/log/thousand-winds.net-error_log		644  12    *    @01T06 Z  /var/run/httpd.pid



webalizer 増設するメモ(バーチャルホスト)



FreeBSDのWebalizerの設定ファイルは、/usr/local/etc/ja-webalizer.conf にあるが、もうひとつ解析するので、

# cp /usr/local/etc/ja-webalizer.conf /usr/local/etc/ja-webalizer_tfc.conf

として、LogFileOutputDirHistoryName、DNSCache、を再設定する。 特に、DNSCache を既存のものと別にしないといつまでたっても終わらない

LogFile        /usr/local/www/apache22/data/logs/xag
#LogFile        /var/log/tfc.kuji-clinic.info-access_log
OutputDir      /usr/local/www/apache22/data/webalizer_tfc
HistoryName	/usr/local/etc/webalizer_tfc.hist
#Incremental	no
HostName	guard.kuji-clinic.info

PageType	htm*
PageType	cgi
#PageType	shtml
#PageType	phtml
#PageType	php3
PageType	php
#PageType	pl
#PageType	rb 

UseHTTPS    yes

DNSCache	/usr/local/etc/dns_cache_tfc.db

DNSChildren	20
# Usually you want to hide these
HideURL		*.gif
HideURL		*.GIF
HideURL		*.jpg
HideURL		*.JPG
HideURL		*.png
HideURL		*.PNG
HideURL		*.ra
HideURL		*.css
HideURL		*.CSS
HideURL		*.ico
#IgnoreSite	bad.site.net
#IgnoreURL	/test*
#IgnoreReferrer	file:/*
#IgnoreAgent	RealPlayer
#IgnoreUser     root

# End of configuration file...  Have a nice day!


japanese/webalizer のインストール

#portinstall japanese/webalizer






CoolMaster:root {73} % cp ja-webalizer.conf-dist ja-webalizer.conf
CoolMaster:root {74} % mkdir /usr/local/www/apache22/data/webalizer
CoolMaster:root {75} % ja-webalizer -c /usr/local/etc/ja-webalizer.conf
ja-webalizer: Command not found.
CoolMaster:root {76} % rehash
CoolMaster:root {77} % ja-webalizer -c /usr/local/etc/ja-webalizer.conf
Webalizer V2.20-01 (FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE-p5 i386) Japanese
Using logfile /var/log/httpd-access.log (clf)
Creating output in /usr/local/www/apache22/data/webalizer
Hostname for reports is 'piano.smb.net'
History file not found...
Skipping bad record (1)
Generating report for October 2008
Saving history information...
Generating summary report
17225 records (1 bad) in 1 seconds, 17225/sec
CoolMaster:root {78} % cp -Rp /usr/local/www/apache22/data/webalizer /usr/local/www/data/webalizer

japanese/webalizer の設定

CoolMaster:root {108} % pwd
CoolMaster:root {107} % diff -urN ja-webalizer.conf-dist ja-webalizer.conf
--- ja-webalizer.conf-dist      2008-10-11 06:36:18.000000000 +0900
+++ ja-webalizer.conf   2008-10-11 11:57:56.000000000 +0900
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 # is being read.

 #LogFile        /var/lib/httpd/logs/access_log
+LogFile        /var/log/httpd-access.log

 # LogType defines the log type being processed.  Normally, the Webalizer
 # expects a CLF or Combined web server log as input.  Using this option,
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
 # If no output directory is specified, the current directory will be used.

 #OutputDir      /var/lib/httpd/htdocs/usage
+OutputDir       /usr/local/www/data/webalizer

 # HistoryName allows you to specify the name of the history file produced
 # by the Webalizer.  The history file keeps the data for previous months,
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@
 # try to get the hostname via a uname system call.  If that fails,
 # it will default to "localhost".

-#HostName      www.webalizer.org
+HostName       piano.smb.net

 # HTMLExtension allows you to specify the filename extension to use
 # for generated HTML pages.  Normally, this defaults to "html", but
@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@
 #PageType      shtml
 #PageType      phtml
 #PageType      php3
-#PageType      php
+PageType       php
 #PageType      pl
 #PageType      rb

@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@
 # relative to the default output directory.  See the DNS.README file for
 # additional information.

-#DNSCache      dns_cache.db
+DNSCache       /usr/local/etc/dns_cache.db

 # DNSChildren allows you to specify how many "children" processes are
 # run to perform DNS lookups to create or update the DNS cache file.
@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@
 # normal system operations.  Reasonable values should be between 5 and
 # 20.  See the DNS.README file for additional information.

-#DNSChildren   0
+DNSChildren    20

 # CacheIPs allows unresolved IP addresses to be cached in the DNS
 # database.  Normally, only resolved addresses are saved.  At some
@@ -660,8 +662,16 @@
 # remember, the use of these will MAKE YOUR STATS INACCURATE and you
 # should consider using an equivalent 'Hide*' keyword instead.

-#IgnoreSite    bad.site.net
-#IgnoreURL     /test*
+IgnoreSite     smb208.smb.net
+IgnoreSite     gw.kuji-clinic.net
+#IgnoreURL     /
+IgnoreURL      /mailman*
+IgnoreURL      /~tfc/anonymouse_mailform/*
+IgnoreURL      /~kuji/pukiwiki-1.4.7_notb_utf8/skin*
+IgnoreURL      /cgi-bin*
 #IgnoreReferrer        file:/*
 #IgnoreAgent   RealPlayer
 #IgnoreUser     root

cron で自動更新

vi /root/bin/japanese_webalizer.sh

ja-webalizer -c /usr/local/etc/ja-webalizer.conf

vi /etc/crontab

00	0	*	*	*	root	/root/bin/japanese_webalizer.sh


apache のログローテションは5:00 なのだが、合わせなくて良いのかな??


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